Latest News from Candy Medusa

Okay, that's a lie. It's not the latest. It's not even news.
Because I never get around to updating this thing.

So let's just call it 'Here's Some Stuff That Happened'. 
Or, if you're really lucky, you might even find an announcement for Some Stuff That Hasn't Happened Yet.

Please buy my art before I'm dead, I'd quite like to be able to have a couple of light bulbs on. Ambitious I know.

March 2025: Good Ship Verda

For this year's Adur Art Trail, I shall be joining a host of fabulous artists aboard houseboat Verda in Shoreham. It's my first time showing on Verda and I'm really excited to be joining such a wonderful and unique venue, I adore Verda and her fabulous neighbours. 

I'll be joined by lovely local artists Judy Alexander, Elaine Bailey, Sarah Bridgland (whom I am reminded of every time I go in the kitchen and see the lovely glass spoon rest she made me), Steve Carroll Sarah Fer, Julia Ann Field, Deborah Fleming, Ricardo Purnell (whom I think I last exhibited with a decade ago with Brighton Open Houses, so we've got some catching up to do...), and Hayley Richards.

Wonderful art, wonderful artists, wonderful venue, what's not to like? Come see, it'll be great.

All the love, Candy xxx

February 2025: Peace and Joy

I'm so pleased to have been invited to take part in St Mary de Haura's Annual Exhibition again this year, it's such a privilege to show my art in such a beautiful space. This years theme is Peace and Joy, so I'm thinking of exhibiting the piece shown here on one of my greetings card, as it's so very peaceful, and being in nature always brings me joy - especially if it involves water. This piece was originally designed for America's National Parks Conservation Association, representing the beautiful Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens, so it's especially relevant now, as the Parks are struggling like never before under the current administration.

The exhibition will be open every day from the 7th to 22nd June, admission free, hope to see you there.

All the love, Candy. xxx  

January 2025: BHAC Exhibition

Another year, another Brighton and Hove Arts Council Annual Show :)

This one always has such a lovely collection of art to see (and maybe even buy!) from lots of different local art groups. I'll be exhibiting with Adur Art Collective. It's Wednesday April 9th to Saturday 12th, 10am to 5pm, admission is free, and it's definitely worth a look. Hopefully see you there.

All the Love,
Candy xxx

December 2024: it's beginning to look a lot like Fishmas

As ever, I'm happy to send Fishmas cards direct to your loved ones for you, at no extra cost, to reduce the miles they clock up and so reduce your carbon footprint. You can buy them on etsy, and let me know where you'd like them sent and what message you'd like inside. 

Then I'll write it out in my most beautiful fancy writing (it's lovely, trust me, I'm an artist) and send it on its way straight to the lucky recipient. My Fishmas cards are recycled, recyclable, plastic free, and printed with vegan inks. 

Order by 11pm on 19th December, with all the details, and they should be delivered in time for Christmas within mainland UK.

Happy Holidays to you and yours, All the Love, Candy. xxx

December 2024: Shoreham Airport

I'm excited to announce I'll be exhibiting at the beautiful art deco Shoreham Airport (or Brighton City Airport as it's now calling itself) throughout September and October 2025. It's going to be a group show  in their Whispering Gallery, along with resident artist Gemma Hawkes, and (still a bit TBC) my very lovely and deeply talented follow Adur Art Collective members Krysia Drury, Louise McLoughlin and Lois Pawson. 

More details to follow when I have them (or when I remember to update my website, whichever comes second), I'm hoping to do a talk on site about my work reducing and upcycling plastic pollution, and maybe a workshop. Hope to see some of you there.

In the meantime here's one of my illustrations showing my little dog Prince flying over Shoreham Airport, wearing tiny goggles. You can get him on a greetings card here.

All the love, Candy. xxx

October 2024: Saustober

For many years I took part in inktober - making ink drawings during October, from a list of daily prompts - until I found out that the man behind inktober was problematic (I'll let you google it), and I switched to Stuart Semple's Pinktober - the same thing but with the letter P in front of it. 

But then Stuart had the worst customer service this side of Virgin Media, and he still owes me fifty quid for paint that Evri apparently decided to throw in the sea instead of delivering, and just, don't get me started on people who have annoyed me... 

But you know who never annoys me? My little dog Prince. Well, that's not true, he annoys me all the time. But at least he doesn't owe me fifty quid. So anyway, allow me to introduce Saustober, which is a thing I've invented. It starts on October 2nd, for people who aren't together enough to start on the first, and then you draw whatever you want, whenever you like, until you get distracted by some other project and forget all about it. 

It's called Saustober because I may, or may not, be drawing sausage dogs, but there's no sausage requirement. You're welcome to join in. Or not. It's all good.

All the love, Candy. xxx

July 2024: Cleaning our beaches

Well, the Adur Art Trail is over for another year, but the beach cleans carry on until the oceans stop being full of plastic... I'll be out on our beaches in Sussex, collecting trash to upcycle into art, recycle, or properly dispose of, while also collecting scientific data. 

You can help by buying my art or supporting my patreon, you can get in touch if you'd like me to do a beach clean, talk or workshop with your local group, and of course next time you're out, at the beach or anywhere else, do consider having your own little litter pick - it's not about a few people being perfect, it's about all of us doing however much we can.

All the love, Candy. xxx

June 2024: A Special Place exhibition

I first exhibited at St Mary de Haura in Shoreham, Sussex, in 2012. It was a piece called 'Mountain out of a Molehill', a six foot tall molehill sculpture with a regular sized star-nosed mole emerging from the top. I had to go to the Booth Museum in Brighton and look at their behind the scenes collection of moles, because there weren't any pictures of star-nosed moles on the internet in 2012.

Twelve years later, they still keep asking me back :) This year I've made another upcycled seagull piece, a sequel (seaguell?) to last year's piece, featuring a herring gull atop one of Brighton's iconic promenade railings, made from upcycled marine plastic pollution found on local beach cleans, on reclaimed wood.

You can see my seagull every day until June 23rd, at St Mary de Haura. Hope to see some of you there.

All the love, Candy. xxx

(That seagull just keeps creeping nearer there doesn't it? Like a Weeping Angel, except instead of sending you into the past, it just steals your chips.

And look what I've found for all the people who have never seen a six foot molehill before - here it is in all its glory. I took that there on the train you know. Coming from Brighton no one batted an eyelid)

June 2024: Hanging Day at Skyway

Hanging of art, obviously. Although hanging for exhibitions always takes sooooooo long that it does sap my will to live... worth it though, it looks amazing. 

My latest group show is open every day until 23 June, at the Skyway Gallery in Shoreham, Sussex. It's a lovely space full of lovely art, including some new illustrations from me. I'm particularly taken with Cyan Sweetman's papercraft plants, which incorporate beach finds, they are so pretty I think one might be coming home with me.

My fellow artists and I will be taking turns to be on hand to meet you, so I hope to see some of you there. All the love, Candy. xxx

June 2024: Skyway Gallery

It's that time of year again - the always fabulous Adur Art Trail runs from June 8th to 23rd at various venues in and around Shoreham, I'll be exhibiting at the Skyway Gallery with lots of lovely fellow artists. It's a beautiful space with lots and light and lots of glorious artwork, so do come see. I'll be showing my illustration, including the ones below.

All the love, Candy. xxx

May 2024: Brighton Artists Open Houses

Until May 27th I'll be taking part in Brighton Artists Open Houses at Jules Emporium, 5 New Road, Brighton - it's Venue 6 on the trail.

I've made a bunch of new mixed media pieces on wood, using some deliciously bright paints that look good enough to eat (don't though) (mmm... forbidden sweeties). 

They feature some ocean faring (and ocean adjacent) folks, with big personalities, who are all very keen to meet you. They're in illustrious company with work from loads of tremendous artists, so you should go take a look if you can :)

All the love, Candy xxx

This is a portrait of Lottie, one of my two rescue axolotls.

When to make puns you try,
but nothing really rhymes,
that's a moray.

Happy little puffer fish wants to say hello.

Paint me like your French tardigrades.

Shane Lizard, my crested gecko, and his blep.

Ideal for display next to bowl of petunias.

April 2024: BHAC Art Show

I was delighted to exhibit at the Brighton and Hove Arts Council exhibition again this year, and to have my artwork selected to be on the flyers and posters.

It was pretty cool to stop off Cass Art and see my art on a flyer at the till, and then find it adorning the gates of the exhibition venue, and then when I went in to see the show the original had pride of place at the front, keeping a watchful eye on the donation tin - and then I got presented with a bottle of wine!

The exhibition was a great success, with many hundreds of visitors over the four days, and hopefully my piece Plastic Seagull II, which was made using single use plastics found on local beach cleans, will have provided some food for thought about our plastic footprints and marine plastic pollution.

All the love, Candy xxx

April 2024: Hourglass

I love working on album art, because it gives me the chance to put my synesthesia to work and smell the music. Or something.

I particularly love making album art for Ben Bell, because between the avant-garde concept sketches, and the deadlines that make surprise changes from six years to six hours, there really is never a dull moment. And who doesn't like prog?

Hourglass is the fifth album I've illustrated for Ben (I think), and somewhat appropriately the one with the tightest deadline, but I just about got it done before that last grain of sand fell. 

And the music is superb, as always, you can stream it here, or buy the CD (with my artwork in the little book thingy) here. You can see some of my other album artwork here.

March 2024: Lots of exciting exhibitions coming up

Busy, busy, busy, lots of artwork to make, so I figured I'd take a break to update my website instead :)

17-20th April 2024 I'll be at the Brighton and Hove Arts Council Annual Art Show, at The Friends Meeting House, in the Lanes, Brighton. This one is so hot off the press that it isn't on their website yet, but when it is, it'll probably be here. The posters are not off the press yet, hot or otherwise, but when they are, they'll feature my Plastic Seagull II, which was selected to promote this year's show. 

The original, which is mixed media with upcycled marine plastic pollution collected on local beach cleans, will be on show at the event. It's the most startlingly orange thing you can imagine, and photos don't do it justice, so you should go see if you can - you may want to bring your sunglasses.

May 4-27th I'll be joining the Brighton Artists Open Houses at Jules Emporium, 5 New Road, Brighton. It really is deeply tremendous in there with so many fabulous artists, and it's open year round, so do pop in.

8th-23rd June I'll taking part in the Adur Art Trail at two venues in Shoreham, West Sussex. I'm delighted to have been asked to exhibit a piece at St Mary de Haura again this year, the theme is 'A Special Place', and I can't think of anything I already have that could possibly be related to that (and I've thought really hard...), so I might be coming up with something new, watch this space...

And on the same dates I'll also be exhibiting with some of my lovely fellow artists from the Adur Art Collective at the Skyway Gallery, 2 Pond Road, Shoreham. I'll be doing lots of new things for that too, but I have no idea what yet. You can't expect me to have ideas without a much closer deadline :)

Hope to see you there,
All the love, Candy. xxx

Plastic Seagull II: Paint and upcycled marine plastic pollution found on local beach cleans - see it in all its pinky orangey  glory at the BHAC Art Show in April (scroll up for details)

November 2023: Plastics Exhibition at Littlehampton Museum

I'm so pleased to have had not one, but three, of my pieces selected for the 'Plastics' exhibition at Littlehampton Museum. The exhibition highlights the environmental impact of plastic, and my three pieces are all made using upcycled plastic pollution found on local beach cleans. 

My Plastic Nautilus, Plastic Seagull II, and Plastic Jellyfish will all be on show from 11th November 2023 to 16th February 2024. There are lots of other plasticky pieces on display too, and the museum itself is a bit of a hidden gem with lots of fascinating local history and stuffed birds and whatnot. Go take a look, admission is free.

All the love, Candy. xxx

My Plastic Jellyfish and Plastic Seagull II alongside lots of other plasticky artwork at Littlehampton Museum.

My Plastic Nautilus is also on display in the Littlehampton Museum 'Plastic' exhibition.

October 2023: Brighton Artists Open Houses

I'll be joining the winter installment of Brighton AOH this year, it's always a lovely trail and well worth braving the cold. You can see my work and lots of other wonderful things at the ever delightful Jules Emporium from 25th November to 10th December. Hope to see you there :)

All the love, Candy. xxx

September 2023: Jules Emporium

So I was in Brighton recently when I spotted a new arty-shop-gallery-treasure-trove of a place called Jules Emporium, and gleefully rushed inside shouting Take All My Money, because, and hear me out on this, it's the best emporium in Brighton and everything in it is just glorious. 

And then I thought... I wonder if my artwork could join this multitude of beautiful things... and, spoilers, the answer was yes, and now my stuff is in there, and you should go check it out at once because seriously you won't be disappointed.

It's on New Road near the Theatre Royal. In my day that shop was an old-timey retro light bulb shop, except they weren't called old-timey way back then, the were just called 'light bulbs'...

June 2023: Skyway Gallery

I'm excitied to be exhibiting at Skyway Gallery in Shoreham-by-Sea for this year's Adur art Trail - it'll be the third time I've exhibited there I think, and it's always such a lovely space to hang work in, light and airy and full of friendly people - it's a group exhibition with lots of lovely things to see, so do visit if you can, it's open every day from the 3rd to 18th of June 2023.

I'll be exhibiting my mixed media pieces with upcycled marine plastic pollution found on local beach cleans - a couple of larger jellyfish canvases, and fourteen new  'upcyled oceans' depicting various aquatic creatures. 

I'm really pleased with how these turned out, and I think they work really well all together in the space - and the best bit is, they're round, so I didn't have to spend hours trying to get them to hang straight :)

All the Love, Candy. xxx

May 2023: Sussex by the Sea Exhibition

St Mary de Haura in Shoreham-by-Sea have kindly invited me back again this year to join their annual group exhibition - this year's theme is Sussex by the Sea, and you can see my piece on display from 3rd to 18th June along with lots of fabulous work by other local artists.

I've made a new piece especially for this exhibition, 'Plastic Seagull', mixed media made with single-use plastic found on local beaches. 

I chose one of our famous gulls for the subject of this piece as they often become entangled in discarded single-use plastic and can even starve to death after eating it and becoming so full of plastic waste that there's is no room in their stomachs for food - you can help prevent this by saying no to single-use plastic.

All the Love, Candy. xxx

*Plastic Seagull sold on the opening day of the exhibition and is delighted to be flying off to a new home - my commissions are open if you'd like a similar (or entirely different) piece, just get in touch :)

April 2023: A nice cuppa tae in Vancouver

This year's #tae (Twitter Art Exhibit) will be taking place in Vancouver at the end of June. 

I'll be sending one of my mixed media pieces with upcyled marine plastic pollution - this little flying fish will be winging her way across the ocean to be exhibited and then sold to benefit the lovely folks at Urban Native Youth Association. 

The space will be positively bursting with glorious artwork, and any pieces that don't sell during the exhibition will be available online afterwards.

All the Love, Candy. xxx

February 2023: And my little dog too... 

I'm happy to announce that I've just signed up to exhibit a couple of pieces this April in the Brighton and Hove Arts Council Annual Art Show

My little dog, who is invariably far more popular with my patrons than I am, will be on display in my new illustration 'Wish'. It's at the Friends Meeting House in Brighton 19-22 April and it's free, come take a look :)

October 2022: Pinktober

As is traditional, I'll be making a pen and ink illustration every day in October until I get distracted by a shiny object and forget all about it. In previous years I've taken part in inktober, but it turns out that's a bit problematic (I'll leave you to google it if you want to get your cancel culture on) so this year I'll be joining Pinktober with the always lovely Stuart Semple. 

I was hoping to try Stuart's pinkest pink ink for this endeavour but the bottle I ordered is showing its solidarity with our comrades at Royal Mail by being trapped in a distant sorting office for the foreseeable. Power to the people and all that. Here are some of my Pinktober pieces, with the prompts for those of you playing along at home. Like what you see? My commissions are open :)

All the Love, Candy. xxx

May and June 2022: Adur Art Trail 

My favourite art trail is back! Rising from the ashes of covid, we can once again go to people's houses and look at their art (and also look at that their other stuff while pretending we aren't). 

This year I'll be exhibiting at 79 Old Shoreham Road in Shoreham with my fellow ocean hero Gill Dixon, the wonderful Naomi Frances with whom I've exhibited several times over the years (I think the one that stands out most in my mind was that illustration exhibition under the arches in Brighton where it kept raining inside), fabulous abstract artist Susanne Hopkinson, glorious lino-cutter-er Jen Green and the lovely Hattie Lockhart Smith, whom I'm pretty sure is doing the art trail for the first time this year. 

It's the last weekend in May and the first two weekends in June, more info here. I'll be there with my upcycled marine plastic pollution artworks, as well as prints and greetings cards. Come say hi :)

My upcycled oceans - tiny wee canvases, mixed media with plastic collected on beach cleans - they are really too little to see properly here, so you'll need to come along to the venue for a proper look... do excuse the fact that they are all on the wonk, I like to imagine it's that they evoke the washing of the waves, rather than just that I'm garbage at hanging stuff up straight.

Every year (well, every year that we're allowed out of the house) I also have a piece at St Mary de Haura during the trail; this year the theme is 'For the Beauty of the Earth' and I'll be exhibiting my Plastic Jellyfish, mixed media with upcycled plastics collected on local beach cleans. Here's the blurb that will be stuck on the wall next to it:

"The theme 'For the Beauty of the Earth' is a perfect match for my upcycled artwork made from single-use plastic found on local beaches, as marine plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues for our Earth and one that we can all do our part to reduce. It's predicted that by 2050 there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish, and we need to act now to reduce our plastic footprints. I chose a jellyfish for the subject of this piece as sea turtles often die from eating plastic bags that they mistake for jellyfish - you can help prevent this by saying no to single-use plastic."

'Plastic Jelly', mixed media, will be on display at St Mary de Haura for this year's Adur Art Trail

'Old and New', mixed media of Brighton's i360 juxtaposed with the ruins of west Pier, shown at St Mary de Haura what seems like a hundred years ago during a previous Adur Art Trail (this image is available on cards here).

'Ghost', mixed media with upcycled abandoned fishing net (ghost gear) found on local beach cleans, also shown at St Mary de Haura in the Before Times.

For the Beauty of the Earth is open every day from 28th May to 12th June 2022, with a whole bunch of beautiful artwork from loads of talented local artists, the venue is gorgeous and it's free. Details here - go take a look if you can :)

All the love,
Candy xxx

October 2021: New greetings cards!

I've designed some new cards, you can buy them in my etsy store here.

Every card sold helps fund marine conservation, beach cleans and outreach to raise awareness of marine plastic pollution through my eXXhibition project. Cards are printed on FSC certified 100% recycled card with vegetable based inks and are fully recyclable. Eco friendly and sustainable, plastic-free with no pointless packaging, and ship anywhere in the world in a recyclable board back envelope.

As always, if you'd like to reduce the number of trucks on the road, I can write your message in the card and send it direct to the recipient - just add a note to your order.

All the love, Candy xxx

September 2021: New stuff in Clarkes in Brighton

Clarkes Art Studio and Gallery has had a switch around with lots of lovely new stuff from lots of lovely artists, including me :)

Go take a look if you can, you'll be supporting local artists, and sales of my work fund marine conservation.

All the love, Candy xxx

April 2021: What a Waste

I was super delighted to be asked to make an upcycled beach garbage sculpture to be a prop in the student film 'What a Waste'.

Inspired by the huge numbers of hermit crabs that are now making their homes from discarded plastic waste instead of shells because plastic pollution is, tragically, more readily available, I made Hermione the Hermit Crab from bubble wrap and plastic containers found on beach cleans and reclaimed wire.

She's currently busy shooting (and shedding flakes of orange paint all over everything), along with some of my upcycled canvases, and the film should be ready in September. Below are a couple of work in progress pics and Hermione on set :)

All the love, Candy xxx

March 2021: Imagine that I did something during Lockdown

It's not March at all, but I haven't updated this in so long I thought I'd pretend it's still March, so that if it's your first time here it looks like maybe I turn up occasionally.  In a minute I'm going to pretend it's February. No one reads this stuff anyway, right? If you actually want updates you're much better off taking a look at my twitter, facebook or insta.

You know what I have been doing with lockdown? Learning Portuguese. O cavalo não corta a cebola e a aranha tem um bolo. It's coming along great.

All the love, Candy xxx

February 2021: Pet Portraits, you know you want one :)

I absolutely adore creating portraits of all your lovely furbabies (and finbabies, featherbabies, weirdcreepybugbabies, etc), and possibly the best bit of my job is when someone sees their pet portrait for the first time and bursts into tears (in a good way, obviously... )

Here are my latest pieces: Mars & Huzzah!, Toby, and Jess. I can work from photos and I ship worldwide in plastic-free packaging, more info here, or contact me if you fancy a chat about what you're looking for.

All the love, Candy xxx

September 2020 - Kashgar's Artefact hits the shelves!

I absolutely love making album artwork, getting to hear all the unfinished ideas before anyone else and turning the music into visual art. This is my second time working with Kashgar, it's always a pleasure, and I had a great time bringing the Kashgar Animal Band to life :)

The album brings you a dynamic fusion of progressive rock, global rhythms and jazz sensibilities, and you can listen to it here. If you're not a fan of spotify, itunes and the like, there are also CDs available! Kashgar are on facebook here.

You can see some of the other album and single artwork I've done here.

June 2020: Artist of the Week, and recognition from the Ecuadorian Navy!

I had two lovely presents for World Oceans Day this year. In the post I got a certificate from Rear Admiral Lenin Sanchez Mino of the Ecuadorian Navy for my work with eXXpedition, and, according to Google translate, I am now recognised as an 'equinoctial sea rider', which is most certainly going on my CV. And my sea-sters and I were featured in KeiSei Magazine talking about plastic pollution.

I'm also Artist of the Week over at Brighton Journal, chatting about my work, including upcycling and my Booby Birds :)

All the love, Candy xxx

May 2020: 1883 Magazine

Thank you to the lovely folks over at 1883 magazine for this piece, featuring me and my sea-sters Jessica and Emily talking about the women-led war on plastic pollution. I also forgot to share another piece with you in March, in Made in Shoreditch Magazine. I'm doing an interview next week with Brighton Journal as well, so look out for that one too :)

All the love, Candy xxx

May 2020: More Boobies!

Well I certainly couldn't have predicted the popularity of my Booby Birds comic, especially as I was pretty sure I was the only one who would think it was funny, but it's turned out to be one of the most popular things I've ever done!

If you haven't seen my boobies yet, I'm posting a new one (almost) daily over on facebook, twitter and instagram.

I've also had a bunch more cards printed (FSC certified 100% recycled, vegetable based inks, plastic-free packaging), you can have them shipped direct to you (for sending or framing), or if you prefer I can send them direct to your loved ones with your own message written inside. You can get them here. Thank you for your support!

All the love, Candy. xxx

April 2020: Hooray for Boobies!

So, mostly for my own amusement, I started drawing comics of how booby birds are coping with social isolation. I really thought that I was the only person who would find them funny, but then it kind of took off and went a tiny bit viral.

A lot of people asked for cards, so I've had some printed (on recycled card with plastic-free packaging, natch) and they are available here. I did list them on etsy, but etsy decided that we're not allowed to laugh at social isolation and took them down. So now they are on my website instead.

You can have them shipped direct to you, or if you prefer I can send them direct to your loved ones with your own message written inside.

Stay safe,
All the love,

March 2020: Corona update

So, it's come to this... I'm sorry to announce that all my beach cleans and workshops are cancelled until further notice, and all the upcoming exhibitions I was taking part in have also been cancelled. Sadly, this includes this year's Adur Art Trail, which I know many members of the Adur Art Collective have already put a lot of work into, and I was going to be showing illustrations from my Galapagos trip (here is a pic of a booby bird to tide you over). Montague Gallery is also closed.

I'm still selling greetings cards and colouring cards, which you can buy here, and tiny canvases (message me to commission one), as I can pop them in the post box. If you need to send a card to someone and can't get to a post box yourself, message me and I can write out the card for you and send it direct to the recipient. 

I'm not sending out other items, which I would normally send recorded delivery, as this is not currently possible. Thank you very much for your patience regarding this, and if you've ordered something and can't wait, please contact me for a refund.

I'm still sending out work that can be delivered digitally, so if you're after something that I can email over, hit me up. Isolation is the ideal time to write that book or make that album, and you'll be needing a cover for that :)

Redbubble are also currently up and running selling my stuff mail order here.

Any questions do get in touch.

Stay safe,
All the love,

February 2020: Back on Dry Land

I'm back! A lot of science, a lot of seasickness, a lot of plastic floating by... nine full days at sea (with no internet!)... sampling for plastics on the surface of the water, in the water column and in the sediment... working on solutions, cooking for fourteen, giving talks at science centres, using a toilet that I don't want to talk about... all with my fabulous, amazing, wonderful women sea-sters. Thank you so much to everyone who made it possible.

You can see all my pics on instgram @candymedusa and they are also on facebook. Upcoming exhibitions of my illustrations from my trip have been postponed due to corona, I'll keep you updated.

January / February 2020: it's time to join my leg of eXXpedition Round the World

Thanks to all my wonderful supporters, I'm off to join SS TravelEdge in Panama, from where I'll be sailing to the Galapagos on an all-female research mission. I'll be doing lots of lovely artwork as resident artist, doing lots of science stuff sampling for marine plastic pollution, and doing lots of outreach raising awareness.

You can track the boat here, and look out for blog posts from the crew here. For an idea of the kind of things we'll get up to, there's a movie of my previous trip with eXXpedition here, and if you have a poke about in the menu at the top of this page (or at the side, depending on how you're viewing it, it's around here somewhere) you'll find some more info about my involvement with the project. I'll be updating facebook, twitter and instagram when I can, but I don't think there's much of a signal in the middle of the ocean, so I'll be posting lots of pics when I get back.

If you haven't supported me yet and would like to, you can always become a patron, take a look at my gofundme, or buy my art.

Thank you again to everyone who made this possible, you're all amazing.
All the loves, Candy xxx

January 2020: Fundraising update

Happy New Year and thank you all so much for your continued support! You're all marvelous! My kickstarter ended in December, and although I didn't meet my target, loads of people were happy to support me anyway (thank you again!). I've had sponsorship from local businesses including balmond's and mooncup, and sales of my upcycled artwork from Montague Gallery in Worthing have really helped fund-raise for my latest project. I've had such lovely messages of encouragement as well, it really means a lot.

My teeny tiny canvases (pictured) have been particularly popular, contact me if you'd like one - just £10 each plus shipping (£3 UK, £6 everywhere else, plastic-free packaging), all proceeds to marine conservation. Mixed media with upcycled marine plastic, includes tiny easel.

And if you'd like to help me keep our beaches clean, there's always gofundme or patreon. Thank you so much for being there!

All the loves, Candy xxx

November 2019: Kickstarter update

So far I've had a fabulous response to my kickstarter, thank you all so much! I'm at 14% of the total, but with only 19 days to go, I've got a lot more fundraising to do if I'm going to reach my target by 1st December. If you haven't had a look yet, please take a look here, you can help me fight plastic pollution and get lots of fabulous, ethical, arty rewards.

My project has also made the papers, I'm in the Portsmouth News, Shoreham Herald, and the Worthing Herald, and I'm delighted to have the support of my local Green Candidate Leslie Groves Williams.

Thank you again to everyone who has helped so far, and please do keep sharing, if you know someone who might be interested please tag or message them, don't rely on it coming up in their social media feed - you know what it's like :)

All the love,
Candy xxx

October 2019: Please support my Kickstarter!

I'm saving the world again :) I've been selected out of thousands of applicants (go me!) to sail to the Galapagos Islands with the eXXpedition Round the World project in January 2020, as resident artist and as a scientist, to research plastic pollution and find ways to reduce it, and raise awareness with exhibitions of my artwork made from upcycled plastic pollution.
It's an 'all-or-nothing' fundraiser, which means I have to reach my target by December 1st. There are lots of lovely, arty, upcycly rewards for you pledge, and they'll be with you by Christmas so they make great ethical gifts.
Please take a look here:

Rewards for backing my kickstarter:

August 2019: 'Waste' at Skyway Gallery

My new piece 'Waste' is on show at Skyway Gallery, Shoreham, every day until 31st August, along with lots of other lovely art from Adur Art Collective.

Waste is a mixed media piece showing marine life at risk from plastic pollution, mounted in a silhouette of a single use coffee cup. It highlights the dangers to our oceans from our throwaway society, and our disregard for wildlife, which so often comes second place to convenience.

Go take a look if you're local, it's free :)

All the love, Candy.

July 2019: See my art in a new gallery in Brighton!

The wonderful Clarkes Art Shop in Brighton's North Laine have converted their top floor into a beautiful gallery, showcasing work from local artists. My Upcycled Oceans canvases are being displayed, and you can also choose from a selection of my greetings cards. Plus downstairs there's a wonderful range of stationery and art supplies to browse, because who doesn't need more art supplies?

Hope you can visit soon :)
All the love, Candy.

June 2019: Plastic Free Lewes

After I made a couple of (fairly embarrassing) videos about plastic-free cleaning (which you can see here), I was invited by Plastic Free Lewes to come to their Plastic Free Pledge launch event, 'There is No Planet B', to chat to people about reducing their plastic footprint around the house. I took along my upcycled artwork, my plastic-free packaging-free greetings cards, and I also took a bunch of plastic-free toiletries and cleaning stuff from my own kitchen cupboards, which sparked far more interest than I was expecting... 

Having people fondle my flannel was a unique experience, but so many people had never considered using a flannel or a cloth to wash their faces instead of using a face wipe (which contains plastic and is wasteful single-use) - it was wonderful to sow the seeds of plastic-free living with so many lovely visitors.

June 2019: Fauna (and Flora)

I was delighted to take part in the St Mary de Haura annual exhibition again this year, it was a great success as usual, with many visitors saying it was the best yet.

I displayed a new piece, 'Ghost', a whale fluke made from upcycled ghost net found on Brighton and Shoreham beaches.
When fishing nets are discarded at sea, they go right on doing what they are designed to do. Abandoned nets, known as ghost nets, can continue ‘fishing’ for decades, trapping,injuring or drowning many sea creatures, including seals, turtles, seabirds and whales.

Also pictured: My mixed media piece 'Old and New', juxtaposing the new BA i360 with the ruins of West Pier, Brighton, which was shown at St Mary de Haura in 2017. I have a some limited edition giclee prints of Old and New still available, do contact me if you'd like to buy one (ships anywhere, plastic-free packaging), and it's also on greetings cards here

May 2019: I'm going to be sailing (again) to reduce plastic pollution in our oceans!

I'm so excited to announce that I've been selected to sail to the Galapagos Islands with the eXXpedition Round the World project in January 2020, as resident artist and as a scientist, to research plastic pollution and find ways to reduce it. 

You can find out all about what I'm doing, and how you can help, here.

Please do take a look :)

All the love, Candy.

Some images from my first sailing with eXXpedition in 2016:

April 2019: Montague Gallery is back!

Montague Gallery in Liverpool Street Worthing is now back and better than ever. With 37 artists there's a wonderfully curated collection to view and buy, including my Upcycled Ocean collection.

These canvases are made using upcycled plastic found on local beach cleans, and showwildlife at risk from plastic pollution. Every sale helps fund beach cleans,outreach, workshops and research into plastic pollution. The canvas is FSC sustainable, and the glue is vegan.

I'm in every Wednesday morning, come and say hi :)

All the love, Candy.

Twitter Art Exhibit in Edinburgh

This is my submission for the #TwitterArtExhibit, which this year is taking place in aid of the charity Art in Healthcare. I think it's my sixth year taking part, each year in a different country and for a different charity.

Mixed media, with surf and seaturtle hatchlings made from upcycled plastic pollution found on beach cleans.

#TAE19 takes place 11 to 13 May at Out of the Blue Drill Hall, 32-36 Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh, EH6 8RG.

All the love, Candy.

March 2019: Upcycled Oceans

For the re-opening of Montague Gallery on April 3rd, I've been hard at work making some new miniature oceans. They are all mixed media on FSC sustainable canvas, with details made from upcycled plastic pollution found on local beach cleans.

Every sale of one of my upcycled oceans goes to help fund beach cleans, community outreach, talks, workshops, social media stuff, and everything that I'm able to do because of your support. You can also support my Patreon here.

All the love, Candy.

March 2019: Please support my Patreon!

So I've finally set up a Patreon to help me save the planet. All the stuff I do, cleaning beaches, making art by upcycling the plastic pollution I find on the beach, exhibiting the art to raise awareness of plastic pollution, giving talks and workshops, making infographics, doing social media stuff, working with lots of different groups, leading community outreach, showing people simple ways to reduce their plastic footprint and how they can make easy changes that can have a big impact for the planet, sailing with the eXXpedition girls as resident artist aboard Sea Dragon, working to explore solutions to the impacts of single-use plastics in the world’s ocean... all of this stuff and more is made possible by people buying my art, donations, sponsorship, kickstarter pledges, and the kind support of patrons - I couldn't do it without your continued support, so massive thanks for your help.

If you're new to the idea of Patreon, or new to what I do - Patreon is a funding platform for creatives, that allows you to support my work for a s little as $1 a month. You get to be a patron of the arts and and eco-warrior, you'll get exclusive updates, and I'll clean an area of beach just for you.

You can support my Patreon here. Thank you!

February 2019: I won another thing :)

Brighton and Hove Arts Council recently asked for submissions for publicity images for their prestigious Annual Exhibition in Brighton (I'll be exhibiting there again this year...) so I asked all the fine folks who follow me on facebook to vote for their fave pics of mine, and they chose wisely, because 'Seagull' went on to be chosen to promote the private view. The system works :)

You can buy this image as wall art, apparel, soft furnishings and other lovely stuff here.

Thanks to everyone who expressed a preference!
All the Love, Candy.

January 2019: Farewell for now to Montague Gallery

After a very successful two months in Worthing with more than 30 other artists, the pop-up Montague Gallery has closed its doors for the time being - but we are going to be back in the spring - watch this space :)

Thank you so much to everyone came to see us, and all the wonderful, positive comments we received about bringing unique art to the high street.

Until we're back in Worthing, you can always see my work at these locations / websites. All the love, Candy.

November 2018: Worthing, I am in you!

For the next two months I'll be joining 32 other local artists at the pop-up Montague Gallery in Worthing. We'll have a wide range of original art and crafts, including paintings, prints, photography, sculpture, glass, textiles and jewellery. 

I've made some new illustrations of Worthing for the exhibition, including the Pavilion Theatre and the Southern Pavilion, pictured here. 
**update: Southern Pavilion has now sold, prints available on request**

Find us in the Montague Quarter, Liverpool Road, Worthing, BN11 1YJ

June 2018: eXXhibition at Carats

June 2 to 17, I've got my upcycled artwork at Carats Cafe on Southwick Beach, raising awareness of marine plastic pollution and suggesting some simple ways to reduce your plastic footprint. 

I'll also be running a beach clean and an upcycling workshop. More info here, or pick up a trail guide.

You can find out more about my upcycled artwork here, and the eXXhibition project here.

All the love, Candy

May 2018: Cover Girl

The pinnacle of my artistic career :)

Not only is my Adur Art Trail artwork on bus shelters, but also, a picture of me, with my artwork on a bus shelter, is on the front of the newspaper.

I'm fairly sure I must have exceeded my allocated fifteen minutes of fame by now...

This year for the Adur Art Trail I'll be showing my artwork at 
Venue 1: Carats Cafe in Southwick, 
Venue 4: Shoreham Art Gallery
Venue 6: St Mary de Haura, and 
Venue 8: Centrepiece.

(and on bus shelters...)

All the love, Candy

April 2018: Montague Quarter Gallery

For seven weeks from April 12 2018, I'll have my upcycled artwork at the Montague Quarter Gallery in Worthing, raising awareness of plastic pollution      

Located next to HMV, the gallery will be open 10am-4pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of each week and will offer a multi media mix of art, photography and sculpture. More here.     

April 2018: Hot Off the Press

The adur art trail guides with my cover artwork have arrived!

Don't they look lovely?

This year I'll be showing my artwork at
Venue 1: Carats Cafe in Southwick,
Venue 4: Shoreham Art Gallery
Venue 6: St Mary de Haura, and
Venue 8: Centrepiece.

All the love, Candy

January 2018: ingénu/e

I'm delighted to appear in the current print edition of ingénu/e magazine, which you can pick up for free at galleries, art centres, hotels, tourist information points, art, craft and music shops, theatres, and other such outlets across the south of England, including of course alongside my artwork at Shoreham Art Gallery.

You can also view the online edition here.

All the love, Candy

December 2017: Bears Ears

As Trump progresses further and further beyond parody, I find myself less and less able to control my incredulity at every single thing he says or does.

Amongst an ongoing catalogue of assorted environmental and human rights atrocities, Trump recently issued two proclamations to remove federal protections from roughly 2 million acres in Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments, which is the largest reduction of public lands protections in U.S. history. 

I've made the artwork on the right (or possibly not on the right, depending on what device you're using) for Creative Action Network, to help spread the word - it's time to stand together to protect our parks, our monuments, and our planet.

All the love, Candy

October 2017: Inktober

It's that time again! Every day in October I'll be making a pen and ink sketch for one of the daily prompts in Jake Parker's Inktober. You can see the sketches daily on my instagram, twitter and facebook.

Last inktober everyone loved my sausage dog in the bath so much that this year I'll be drawing him for every prompt :) If you'd like to commission a portrait of your pet, just get in touch.

All the love, Candy.

August 2017: eXXhibition in London

The eXXpedition girls, with whom I was resident artist in the Caribbean last year, are currently sailing round Great Britain aboard the Sea Dragon, spreading #oceanoptimism and raising awareness of plastic pollution.

I'll be joining them on the London leg of their journey at the following events:

August 31st I'll be running a free drop-in workshop upcycling beach litter into art at St Katherines Docks, where Sea Dragon will be berthed. More details here.

I'll also be showing people around Sea Dragon and talking about our mission on September 1st, more here.

And on the weekend of 2 and 3 September I'll be at the Cutty Sark in Greenwich, upcycling with Jo Atherton of Flotsam Weaving. More here.

Hope to see you there, you can also catch coverage of all the eXXpedition Round Great Britain events on Sky Ocean Rescue.

All the love, Candy

July 2017: Brighton Journal

Had a lovely interview with Laura at Brighton Journal; you can read about my latest work, upcycling, #oceanoptimism, saving the world and smashing the patriarchy here.

All the love, Candy.

Candy Medusa

Artist, illustrator, marine biologist, environmentalist, loudmouth. 
Creator of eXXhibition.

Mostly making art between midnight and 4am,
when the kids are asleep.

contact me

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